Comments for If I can SEE it,then I CAN do it, If I just BELIEVE in it

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Jan 22, 2013
Upcoming Book
by: Moses

Dear Kamy,
I am excited to inform you of a project I have been working on for my third book project. It is entitled:


It is a collection of articles that authors from around the world, like you, have submitted to my website Motivation for Dreamers ( I thought it would be a good idea to spread your wonderful insight and wisdom to others who may not have access to the internet or who might just love to have a book to share with others as well as to enjoy reading themselves.

I am writing to ask your permission to include the following articles in this book:
• If I can SEE it, then I CAN do it, If I just BELIEVE in it

The book will be available on, and their affiliated booksellers as well as in bookstores in Zambia, for a start. Who knows, perhaps we could partner to have the books sold in your country or city as well.

This request is for a non-exclusive, irrevocable, and royalty-free permission, and it is not intended to interfere with other uses of the same work by you. I will include a full citation to your work and other acknowledgements as requested.

Please let me know if this is okay. Also, if you would like me to put your full name please let me know what it is.

As a way of saying thank you I would be happy to send a few copies of the book to you. Please provide your preferred mailing address if you would like me to do so.

Best regards,

Dr. Moses Simuyemba, CPC
Cell: +26097 7876569
Post Net No 77, P/B E835
Lusaka, Zambia
Services: 1. Public Health Consultancy 2. Research (Health & Other),
3. Organisational Development 4. Personal Development

Aug 26, 2010
"Put on love, put on Christ"
by: Devon

Jesus said in His word "put on love"
Now why would He say put on love ? If as Christian we should have love in our hear, thenm why it is that we need to not only have it in our hearts but to put it on. I believe this is the place where most of us as christian fail, because we don't realize that the walking as Christ does is no automatic it is swomething we choose to do each new day as He said put on Love, We make a choice to love those who we think deserve and we hate those who annoy us. What Jesus is saying to us as His children we must get to the place where our love is now an impartial love. Putting on love takes commitment and sacrifice thats what He did for us, so we if we are going to be like Him we must have Him in us and then choose to let Him guide and leade us each day hence put on love is to put on Christ each day not just have Him living in us as seacret agent christians.

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