What is Success?
What is success? That is the question I asked subscribers to “The Dreamer’s Guide” Motivation newsletter. These are some of the responses that I received:
Syrus Banda, Financial Consultant.
Success is relative, as it is a fine balance between personality development in terms personal assets and financial assets.Personal assets, simply put are the talents one has or can exploit. While financial assets lead to wealth creation through first savings and later investment holdings.
The two asset base are symbiotic, success at one leads motivates one to succeed at the other. If the chemistry is wrong success will be short lived Dolly Parton once sang: “Save like you don’t need the money and dance like no body is watching"
Florence Mutale
For me success is attaining certain goals in my life. Finance is one of them but there’s more to success than just the financial aspect of it. I measure success in a lot of ways e.g. the COMFORT I seek, HAPPINESS and most important of all my HEALTH. if am able to attain the above, I consider myself to be successful.
Lombwe Chipanta
To me it simply means BEING CONTENT.
I know of people who have all they ever dreamed of but are unhappy I wouldn’t call that success, I know of people who have what the world would call "nothing" but are happy
Evans Mweetwa
As for me success is when you achieve balance in life. Its not only in money terms, but in relationships, work and spiritual outlook
Terence Muchengwa
I measure success by looking at to what extent aim I fulfilling my God given assignment, we need to live a purpose driven life, because when God created me he had planned my life and as far as God is concerned he has already finished my plan, all I have to do is to fulfil Gods plan and mission for my life. So I don’t measure success in monetary terms.
Joshua 1:8; 3John 2 Beloved I wish above all things that you may succeed in all things & be in good health, even as your soul prospers. According to God’s perspective, success is a total package; Good health, material wealth, and so on.
What God is concerned more about your life is your soul, because that is where everything is is deposited, and you can only function well if you are in good health. Therefore, Financial success is just part of the PIE. God bless Terence
Sheba Thomas
Success means becoming the best "ME" that I can be. God created me to be a unique person so I cannot compare myself with someone else. God didn't pack another person with the same personality, abilities or talents that He packed me with, so where is the comparison?
This also implies that success is not a destination, it's a journey and a process. And in that journey I believe I will be discovering every day new and limitless possibilities and capabilities...
Nelson Chisenga
Success to me is when your expectations in life are fulfilled. This covers both the spiritual and material aspects of one's life. I cannot say Aim successful by simply being a very committed Christian and neglect other aspects of my life. So, I need to have a balance in all the key areas of my life in order for me to say I am successful.
Clement Sitali
It is arriving at a point in life where you are content with yourself, others and what you do and not necessarily what you possess or your status.
Kelvin Chiyabi
To me success means: the freedom to be who you want to be in life.am looking at it from the financial point of view. am aware someone might say money isn’t everything. but the fact of the matter is that everything is money. think deeply, you'll agree with me.
Tisi Chalema
Success to me is achieving your goals or vision in life. Goals or visions may be financial, social, academic or spiritual. Our desires as individuals differ. Not everyone's ultimate goal in life is to be financially successful although it is an important factor in most people's lives.

What is success? I am sure the answers above give us some insight into the meaning of success. Thanks Syrus, Florence, Lombwe, Evans, Terence, Sheba, Nelson, Clement, Kelvin and Tisi. It is so amazing to note that what is success to one person is not necessarily success to another person.
What is success? Find out more on the pages below:
Return to Meaning of Success
What is Success - Personal perspectives
Personal perspectives - 2
Personal perspectives - 3
Personal perspectives- 5
Personal perspectives - 6
Personal perspectives - 7
Personal perspectives- 8
Personal perspectives - 9
Personal perspectives - 10
What is success for you? If you would like to add your thoughts to answer this question please
drop me a line.
I would be happy to include your comments on the website so others can learn from you as to what is success.